La Dolce Vita Hotel is perfectly located in a very center heart of the Hanoi's Old Quarter, offering you one of the best accommodation
available in Hanoi. With lesser than 5 minutes walk to Hoan Kiem Lake or Dong Xuan central market, you can have easy access to
restaurants, shopping areas and historical sites in no longer than a blink. The soul of this 53 rooms building lies in its traditional décor with
the clever use of vivid colours. From splashes of soft purple in the reception area of the Lobby to colour-coded rooms in acridine orange,
modo-brown or pastel yellow, the La Dolce Vita Hotel Hanoi breathes authentic traditional design. Upbeat and chic, the Lobby Bar attracts
customers set with its marvelous cocktails striking crystal touches and major sporting TV broadcasts. Added to this, for some of the best
deal in Hanoi, La Dolce Vita Hotel is hard to beat.